都市をたずねる 56 -「吉祥寺街茶チャレンジ」- “Kichijoji Street Tea Challenge”

TOMO都市美術館の土曜の恒例企画「都市をたずねる」。今回は5月11日。木曜ということでちょっと変則ですが、ダンサー/アーティストのAokidが吉祥寺のOngoingで開催中の個展『CALENDAR』内の企画『それぞれのストリート〜音楽、アート、ダンスの現場から〜』にお誘いいただいて、『吉祥寺街茶チャレンジ』 をやってみます。街茶(がいちゃ)は以前開催の「シティーパーティー FEAT.花崎草」にて花崎草さんのお話のなかから生まれたワードです!その名の通り、街なかでお茶会を開くことを意味しています。

I will be participating in an event that Aokid invited me to. I will be taking part in the “Kichijoji Gaicha Challenge”. The word “gaicha” (street tea) was born from a talk with Kaya Hanasaki at the previous event, it means to hold a tea party in the city.
Let’s walk around the Kichijoji station area with the people gathered at Ongoing, and whenever we find a place where we can have a tea party, let’s have a cup of tea and take a picture to commemorate the event. The time we have is only a few dozen minutes, so it would be enough to go to the station and back, but we hope to take many pictures of gaicha and proliferate the existing facts of gaicha in Kichijoji.


都市をたずねる Vol.56 『吉祥寺街茶チャレンジ』
日時:2023年5月11日(木)19:00 –21:00?(各自の発表のあと3人でトークありかもなので終わりは不明)
集合: 吉祥寺アートセンターOngoing(武蔵野市吉祥寺東町1-8-7)




The Street Tea Challenge is over. It was so much fun! Thanks to all who came, to Aokid for inviting us, and to Hanasaki for brewing the delicious Taiwanese tea. The event was organized by three presenters, including tomotosi, who shared their own practices in their respective cities. I was glad that the rain stopped just before the event started, but it was a bit chilly, so I wanted to serve the first street tea as soon as possible. We were sorry that our tools were too small for the number of people and it took a long time to boil the water, and we could only serve enough for a sip each! Still, we were saved by the fact that the time we spent waiting for the water to boil was fresh, and it was an important reminder for us. The quality of the tea suddenly improved when Hanasaki joined us halfway through the event, bringing her own Taiwanese tea. Today’s street tea was at four locations up to Kichijoji Station. The trip lasted an hour and a half and included a street improv by Aokid and a street live performance by zzzzpeaker. Now that we have certified that Kichijoji is a town where we can do Machicha, we would like to try it again in the next town!(tomotosi)

