都市をたずねる82 -「開館から閉館までトーハクで過ごす」 – “Spend the whole day at the Tokyo National Museum”

On February 3 (Sat), we will try “Spend the whole day at the Tokyo National Museum” which will last for 11.5 hours from 9:30 am to 7 pm. Let’s take in all of the Regular Exhibitions that can be viewed for an admission fee of 1,000 yen (500 yen for university students, free for high school students and younger). The Tokyo National Museum exhibits about 3,000 Japanese and Oriental cultural properties from archaeological artifacts to modern times. In other words, a place where you can see the history of human activity. However, as happens every time I visit Tohaku, I leave this place thinking, “I couldn’t see everything. This time, we may be in a state of “there is nothing more to see! Of course, you can join or leave during the tour! It is quite a tough tour, who will come? Even if no one comes, tomotosi will try by himself.
都市をたずねる Vol.82 「開館から閉館までトーハクで過ごす」
集合:9:30 東京国立博物館チケット売り場
Ask the City Vol.82 “Spend the whole day at the Tokyo National Museum”
Date: Saturday, February 3, 2024
Meeting time: 9:30 Ticket office of the Tokyo National Museum
Dismissal time: 19:00
Participation fee: Free
Contact on the day: 080-3057-9642
Organizer: tomotosi
*No reservation required

We walked around and looked at everything until the museum closed at 7pm! Only the Kuroda Seiki Pavilion we couldn’t get into because we didn’t know it closed at 5pm, but we would have been able to see everything else! At the end of the day, we all went together to look back on each favorite works! It was quite exhausting. Because we saw everything, we were able to talk about the bias and legitimacy of the exhibited works. Anyway, thank you for your long hours of work! (tomotosi)