都市をたずねる72 -「新宿でゆで卵をつくる」 – “Making boiled eggs in Shinjuku”

On Saturday, October 21, TOMO museum will try “Making Boiled Eggs in Shinjuku. Each participant is asked to bring a raw egg from his/her refrigerator. We will boil water and make boiled eggs using items found in Shinjuku. The condition is that no money is to be used. tomotosi will bring only a pot and salt. We will talk about how to make boiled water. When it is ready, let’s eat it together. You can join or leave during the meeting.
都市をたずねる72 -「新宿でゆで卵をつくる」
日時:2023年10月21日(土)15:00 – 18:00
集合:15:00 新宿駅東口駅前広場(ライオンの像があるところ)
解散予定:18:00 新宿区

We built a stove with a lighter we picked up in Kabukicho, papers, branches, and rocks we collected in Shinjuku City. Then we filled a bowl with water from the park and set it where it wouldn’t bother people. Then we spent 30 minutes getting creative to bring the water to a boil, and when it was boiling, we put the eggs in. There were a few spills, warnings, but after 8 minutes it was done. We all enjoyed it. It was delicious. The street-boiled eggs were fine! Let’s try it again in another town! (tomotosi)