都市をたずねる 70 -「『ビッグオレンジボックス』再演1」 – “’Big Orange Box’ Re-enactment 1”

また高井戸芸術祭の背景には、高井戸にごみ清掃工場(杉並清掃工場)が建設される過程で勃発した、いわゆる「東京ごみ戦争」と言われる出来事があります。東京で出る大半のごみを江東区が引き受けてパンク状態だった1966年当時、東京都が清掃工場の新規建設で目を付けたのが高井戸でした。寝耳に水だった住民によって(足かけ9年にわたる)激しい反対運動と協議が重ねられた後、高井戸の清掃工場建設が決定しました。今回のパフォーマンスは、当時のごみの動きを追体験してみるという狙いもあります。目的地は、高井戸芸術祭開催中のSTUDIO VISIT。ここには「ビッグオレンジボックス」の映像が流れているので、2019年当時と現在の街の人のリアクションの比較とかできるかもです。途中からの鑑賞・離脱もちろんOK。どなたでも、よかったら適当に。誰も来なければトモトシ1人でやってみます。 ちなみに来週10/14(土)には別ルートで「再演2」を開催予定です!

On Saturday, Oct. 7, I’ll do “‘Big Orange Box’ Re-enactment 1” as a project within the Takaido Art Festival. It’s a re-enactment of a video work in 2019. There are no garbage cans in Tokyo, but the streets are clean. In other words, garbage is in the bags and pockets of passersby. I will collect that trash while rolling the orange trash cans, and communicate minimally. The tour started at 1:00 p.m. in front of Hachiko at Shibuya station and ended at 5:00 p.m. at STUDIO VISIT in Takaido.


都市をたずねる Vol.70 「『ビッグオレンジボックス』再演1」
日時:2023年10月7日(土)13:00 – 17:00
集合:13:00 渋谷駅ハチ公前
終了:17:00 STUDIO VISIT(杉並区高井戸西2-1-25 高井戸駅前ビル2F、高井戸駅徒歩1分)
主催:THE BLACK FENCE(黒木健一/柵木頼人)




When I first performed four years ago, it was also early fall, when it was a bit chilly in short sleeves. The big difference, however, was that many people did not imagine that a pandemic would occur at that time. I feel that the sense of distance between people was also very different from now. Therefore, I imagined that more people would have been psychologically uncomfortable with the idea of handing over their belongings to strangers, even if they were trash. After practicing, I felt that people were still reluctant to put their garbage in the trash. However, I gradually became accustomed to it and was able to confirm that there were people who would bang it out regardless, depending on the location and timing. It is a super instant connection that I don’t even know if it can be called communication, but I was happy to reaffirm the urban situation nonetheless. We also asked each of the participants to collect garbage along the way. Thank you for the long hours! (tomotosi)

