都市をたずねる67 -「海老名駅路上ライブ研究会」– “Ebina Street Live Study”
On Saturday, September 9, we will have “Ebina Street Live Study”. Street live performances are a great opportunity for musicians to have their music heard by the general public, but on the other hand, they are prone to complaints and are regulated in many places. However, Ebina City allows live music performances on the streets around the station with some conditions. As a result, the culture of street performances in Ebina seems to be thriving, and I would like to observe it. Even if permission is granted by the government, there will be complaints if the sound is made in a public place, and there have been lawsuits of overexpression in the past. I would like to see the relationship between such general users and the expressive people, as well as the government.
都市をたずねる Vol.67 「海老名駅路上ライブ研究会」
日時:2023年9月9日(土)19:00 – 21:00
集合:19:00 海老名駅東口七重塔前
解散:21:00 海老名駅周辺
We met at Ebina station and walked for 30 minutes, but nothing was going on! We decided to move to Machida and take a walk. This is the hometown of one of the participants, Abe-kun, so I asked him to show us around. We ended up spending 2 hours in Machida. We bought drinks, ate small baskets, and talked on the street. Machida is a very interesting place where large commercial facilities and individual stores, orderliness, and weirdness coexist. I’m still not sure how lively Ebina is, but some people told me that the early hours seem to be better, so I’ll try that next time!(tomotosi)