都市をたずねる 65 -「ランダム防災訓練〜有楽町編〜」- “Random Escape in Yurakucho”

8/17(木)は有楽町YAUで開催中のStilllive Studies(スティルライブ・スタディーズ)にお邪魔して、 「ランダム防災訓練〜有楽町編〜」 をやってみます。共同企画・ファシリテーターは小宮りさ麻吏奈さん。過去の地層、歴史の断片などが見える場所を選んでのまち歩き中、iPhoneのアプリで無作為にアラームが鳴るたびに防災訓練(影に隠れる、近い建物内に入る、木に登る、伏せるなど)がスタートします。通常の防災訓練はいつ始まるか決まっていますが、いつ始まるかわからない状態でやってみます。「突然隠れなければいけない」という経験を通して、普段見えている有楽町とは違った景色が見えてきたら面白いとも思っています。どなたでも参加自由です。ぜひぜひ。
On Thursday, August 17, we will be doing a “Random Escape in Yurakucho” in collaboration with Stilllive Studies. Facilitator will be Marina Risa Komiya. While walking around town, each time a random alarm goes off on the iPhone app, a disaster drill (hiding in the shadows, entering a nearby building, climbing a tree, getting down, etc.) will start. Normal disaster drills are scheduled to start at a certain time, but we try to do them without knowing when they will start. Through the experience of “suddenly having to hide,” I think it would be interesting to see a different view of Yurakucho from the one we usually see.
都市をたずねる Vol.65 「ランダム防災訓練〜有楽町編〜」
日時:2023年8月17日(木)15:00 – 18:30
集合:YAU STUDIO(千代田区有楽町1-10-1 有楽町ビル10F)
予約:Stilllive Studies予約フォーム
助成:公益財団法人東京都歴史文化財団 アーツカウンシル東京 [東京芸術文化創造発信助成]

It was extremely hot, but it turned out to be a very enjoyable event. Thanks to Komiya-san for guiding us on the town walk. We gathered at YAU and started the event with a brief explanation of the plan. It was quite nerve-wracking for me to walk around the city not knowing when the alarm would go off.
The rule is simple: find an evacuation site within 15 seconds of the alarm sounding, and hide there for a predetermined amount of time. Depending on what kind of disaster you are expecting, the place to hide will vary. You also have to wait at the evacuation site for a maximum of three minutes, which is a long time. After three minutes of hiding in a gap in the city, you step outside and see people walking on the street and ask them, “Are you all right? After repeating the drill five or six times, some participants began to ask themselves “How to die in style” rather than “How to escape from a disaster. At any rate, the event certainly provided an opportunity to take a fresh look at the center of Tokyo. After holding this event this time, we learned that it is possible to hold it in another area, so we would like to do it again sometime in the future.(tomotosi)