都市をたずねる 64 -「フランシス・アリス “Paradox of Praxis 1” 再演」 – “Re-enacting the Paradox of Praxis 1 by Francis Alÿs”

8/12(土)はTOMO都市美術館企画で 「フランシス・アリス”Paradox of Praxis 1”再演」 をやってみます。1997年メキシコシティにて、フランシス・アリスにより制作された巨大な氷が溶けきるまで押して歩くパフォーマンス”Paradox of Praxis 1 (Sometimes making something leads to nothing)”を、トモトシが渋谷にてやらせていただきます。副題”Sometimes making something leads to nothing”が示す通りの無為なアクションは、「労働の虚しさ」、もしくは「意味に覆われた都市」について再考するきっかけを含む作品といえそうです。酷暑が続く東京で、氷の涼しさとともに、なかなか気にかけづらくなっている要素(道の凹凸、通行人、道端の雑草や土、、、)が見えてくるかもしれません。参加者の方には、トモトシが巨大な氷の塊を押して歩くのについてきていただきます。各自氷を用意していただいて、一緒にパフォーマンスするのももちろん大歓迎です。目的地は、トモトシが個展開催中のTAV GALLERY。出展作品には、渋谷を舞台にしたものが多いので、撮影場所を巡るツアーでもあります。どなたでも、よかったら適当に。誰も来なければトモトシ1人でやってみます。

On Saturday, August 12, Tomotosi will perform “Paradox of Praxis 1 (Sometimes making something leads to nothing),” a performance created by Francis Alÿs in Mexico City in 1997, in which a giant piece of ice is pushed around until it melts. As the subtitle “Sometimes making something leads to nothing” suggests, this futile action may be an opportunity to reconsider “the emptiness of labor” or “the city covered with meaning. In Tokyo, where the heat continues to be intense, the coolness of the ice may bring to light elements (unevenness of the streets, passersby, weeds, and soil on the roadside, etc.) that are difficult to pay attention to.


都市をたずねる Vol.64 「フランシス・アリス”Paradox of Praxis 1″再演」
日時:2023年8月12日(土)16:00 – 18:00
集合:16:00 ハチ公前
解散:18:00 TAV GALLERY(東京都港区西麻布2-7-5 ハウス西麻布4F、最寄り駅は表参道駅)

Ask the City Vol.64 – “Re-enacting the Paradox of Praxis 1 by Francis Alÿs”
Date: Saturday, August 12, 2023
Meeting time: 4:00 PM Hachiko statue
Dismissal time: 6:00 PM TAV GALLERY
Contact on the day: 080-3057-9642
Cooperation: TAV GALLERY
Organizer: Tomotosi
*Rescheduled in case of rain












I had used up all my energy when I picked up the over 90 kilograms of ice from the ice shop and carried it to Shibuya station. After drinking Monster Energy and taking a breather, we started the tour. We went around the places where Tomotosi created his works in the vicinity of Shibuya and then went to Nishiazabu via Omotesando. I didn’t realize how hard it was on my palms until I tried pressing ice with my bare hands. It took a lot of mental strength to get through the contradiction of “hot and cold. In the latter half of the day, I pushed with the help of everyone, including people in town.
After two and a half hours of carrying it over the heated road, the ice was less than half full, but it didn’t melt as much as I thought it would. Alice said he pushed the ice for 9 hours (the same as working hours), which is amazing physical and mental strength. I am sure that he did not keep pushing the ice without a break… but I thought it was amazing that he pushed that huge piece of ice until it was completely melted. Incidentally, the temperature in Mexico City at the time of Alice’s performance must have been seasonally lower than the current temperature in Tokyo, so it would have been more difficult to melt. Alice must have been very strong. At the end of the performance, we broke the ice and drank a toast. It tasted like the streets of Shibuya. (Tomotosi)

