都市をたずねる63 -「岡田将孝ガイド!!渋谷路上飲み」- “OKADA Masataka presents Shibuya Street Drinking”

TOMO都市美術館の土曜の恒例企画「都市をたずねる」。7月29日(土)は「岡田将孝ガイド!!渋谷路上飲み」 をやってみます。めちゃくちゃシンプル。迷惑にならないように渋谷の路上で飲酒するというものです。路上飲みの講師としてChim↑Pom from Smappa!Groupより岡田さんをゲストにお招きします!岡田さんとは何度か路上飲みさせていただいてるのですが、コンビニ、座る場所、ゴミ箱、トイレといった複合的な地理情報から飲む場所を瞬時に導きだす姿に、いつも感銘を受けていて、ガイドとしてこの上ない方だと思ってお願いしました!
現在トモトシ&TOMO都市美術館でパルコの金三昧に出品しています。さらに7月21日から始めるTAV GALLERYの展示では渋谷を舞台に作品制作しています。その辺りの話も共有できれば幸いです。暑いと思うので、ゆっくりめのペースで歩きます。途中参加・離脱もちろんOKっす。誰も来なかったら2人でやってみます。

On Saturday, July 29, we will do “Masataka Okada presents Shibuya Street Drinking”. It’s very simple. The idea is to drink on the streets of Shibuya so as not to cause trouble. We will invite Mr. Okada from Chim↑Pom from Smappa!Group as a guest lecturer for the street drinking! I have had the pleasure of drinking with him several times on the street, and I am always impressed by the way he instantly derives a place to drink from complex geographical information such as convenience stores, places to sit, trash cans, and toilets.
In Japan, I feel that the number of prohibited items in public places is increasing every year. But for some reason, drinking is allowed in Japan, which is an interesting point. It is not impossible that this street culture that has been handed down from generation to generation is being regulated and may become even stricter in a few years’ time. To prevent this from happening, I would be happy if we could think together about the aesthetics of smart street drinking.


都市をたずねる Vol.63 「岡田将孝ガイド!!渋谷路上飲み」
日時:2023年7月29日(土)19:00 – 21:00
集合:19:00 渋谷パルコ4階金三昧
終了:21:00 渋谷駅周辺




©︎Daiki Ito

©︎Daiki Ito



It was four and a half hours of receiving the essence of street drinking from Okada-san. It was a lot of fun. After gathering and briefly explaining the purpose of the event, we went to the nearest Daily Yamazaki to get some drinks. From there it was drink, move, buy, drink, move, buy, drink, repeat. And he does it as smartly as possible. The main reasons for the recent windstorm against street drinking, I believe, are garbage, noise, and obstruction of traffic, but he cleared these problems with ease. As Okada-san guided us through an area that had the trifecta of seating/toilets/trash cans, I felt as if I were going under ground and peering above ground. It was an experience of playing in the gap between public concepts shaken by development and regulations. By the way, when I contacted Okada-san the day after the event, he said he had no memory of the second half of the event, lol. Thank you, Okada-san and everyone!

