都市をたずねる61 -「渋谷区渋谷の全コンビニを巡る」 – “Tour of all convenience stores in Shibuya”

TOMO都市美術館の土曜の恒例企画「都市をたずねる」。7月1日(土)は「渋谷区渋谷の全コンビニを巡る」 をやってみます。日本には56,919店(2022年1月時点)あり、渋谷区渋谷には24店のコンビニ(セブンイレブン、ファミリーマート、ローソン、ナチュラルローソン)があるようです(グーグルマップ)。今回はめちゃシンプル、この24店舗すべて巡ってみようという企画です。今年3月に敢行した『歌舞伎町の全コンビニを巡る』に続いての第二弾です。歌舞伎町では3時間半もかかりましたが、普段やらないツアーとなってめちゃ楽しかったです。店舗数では歌舞伎町の方が多いですが、面積的には今回の渋谷の方が広い、さてどうなるでしょうか、、。

On Saturday, July 1, we will do a “Tour of all convenience stores in Shibuya, Shibuya-ku. There are 56,919 convenience stores in Japan (as of January 2022), and there are 24 convenience stores in Shibuya, Shibuya-ku. This time, I decided to make a simple tour of all 24 convenience stores. Convenience stores are indispensable in our daily lives because they provide homogeneous and excellent service anytime we go there. This time, we hope this tour will focus on the differences in the way such convenience stores are built. Even if they aim to provide homogeneous service, there must be slight differences in the shape of the building and the way they display their products, depending on the environment or the personality of the store manager.


都市をたずねる Vol.61 「渋谷区渋谷の全コンビニを巡る」
日時:2023年7月1日(土)18:00 – 21:00
集合:18:00 渋谷駅忠犬ハチ像公前
終了:21:00 渋谷駅周辺





We added one more store to the 24 we had originally anticipated, so we had 25 stores! 4 hours, 20,000 steps! It was interesting to see the wide area and the different customer demographics = different product lineups and displays at each store. In order of popularity among the participants, the order was Seven, Famima, and Lawson, but as we went around, we were reminded that each store has a different value as we talked about Lawson’s focus on dairy drinks, Famima’s wide eat-in area, and am/pm’s socks. I walked a lot, but I feel that the convenience stores led me to discover a part of Shibuya that I usually don’t visit. We were especially excited to see Lawson stores in Hikarie and the post office. Let’s do it again in another town!(tomotosi)

