恩山昇りを求めて / Searching for Megu-yama ceremony
〈日の入りと同時に、大勢で恩山の麓からイノシシを追いかける。 頂上にたどり着くのは日の出ころである。中央に大きな四角形に枠どられた神域があり、イノシシはそこに追われる。最初に神域に入ったイノシシは神官によって捕らえられ、神社で守護獅子として3年間飼われる。 そして次の祭りで食べられるのである。〉
父が神官を務めていたこともありトモトシはこの神事に強く魅かれ、将来深く関わることを心に決めていた。しかし彼が14才のとき、市の合併騒ぎの最中、行事は突然廃止となった。彼は撤回を訴えたが、決定が覆ることはなかった。 それ以来トモトシは日本中を巡りながら恩山昇りに関する調査を続けてきた。
tomotosi had spent till the age of 18 in Kudamatsu. In this area, an event called Megu-yama ceremony had been held once every three years.
Simultaneously with the sunset, people chase wild boars from the foot of Megu-yama mountain. It is around sunrise that they reach the summit.
There is a sanctuary framed in a large rectangle in the center, and wild boars are chased there. The wild boar that first entered the god area is caught by the priest and kept in a shrine for three years as a guardian lion. And we eat it at the next festival.
Because his father served as a priest, tomotosi was strongly fascinated by this ceremony and decided to deeply involved in the future. But when he was fourteen, the event was abolished suddenly. He complained about the withdrawal, but the decision did not be reversed. Since that time, tomotosi has been conducting a survey on Megu-yama ceremony all through Japan.
In the video now, we show the results of the investigation on the roots of Megu-yama ceremony he discovered at museums of art in Central Japan. It was a decisive material because the behavior of the observer is consistent with everything from the priest who captures the wild boar that infringed the god area.