トモ都市美術館 – 都市をたずねる98「神保町の書店を可能な限り巡ってみる」- “Exploring as Many Bookstores in Jimbocho as Possible”

2月8日は「神保町の書店を可能な限り巡ってみる」をやってみます。 現在、このエリアには130店以上の書店があると言われています。今回は神保町駅すぐ近くの神保町ブックセンターに集合して4時間、可能な限り書店を巡ってみるという企画です。この地に多くの書店が集まった背景には、かつて多くの学校があったこと、そして戦争の被害が比較的少なかったことが関係しているそうです。時代が変わり、読書離れが進んでいる今も、ここには本を愛する人々が集い、活気ある書店文化が息づいています。全体の1/3くらい、数で言うと45軒くらい巡れたら、、、。途中参加途中離脱OK。巡っているなかで気になる本があったら買ってみましょう。どなたでもよかったら。
On February 8th, we will take on the challenge of Exploring as many bookstores in Jimbocho as possible. It is said that there are more than 130 bookstores in this area. This time, we will meet at Jimbocho Book Center and spend four hours visiting as many bookstores as we can. The reason why so many bookstores have gathered in Jimbocho is linked to its history—many schools were once located here, creating a high demand for books. Additionally, the area was relatively unaffected by wartime destruction, allowing it to thrive as a “book town” today. Even as reading habits change and digitalization progresses, Jimbocho remains a lively hub where book lovers gather, keeping its vibrant bookstore culture alive. Our goal? To visit about one-third of the bookstores—roughly 45 shops—if possible! Feel free to join or leave at any time during the event. And if you find a book that catches your eye along the way, why not pick it up? Everyone is welcome to join!
都市をたずねる98 –「神保町の書店を可能な限り巡ってみる」
集合:15:00 神保町ブックセンター(東京都千代田区神田神保町2-3-1)
終了:18:00 神保町周辺
当日連絡先:080 3057 9642
※雨天順延 ※歩きやすい格好推奨
Ask the City 98 – “Exploring as Many Bookstores in Jimbocho as Possible”
Date & Time: Saturday, February 8, 2025
Meeting Point: Jimbocho Book Center (2-3-1 Kanda-Jimbocho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo), 3:00 PM
End Time: 7:00 PM
Participation Fee: Free
Bookstore list: https://maps.app.goo.gl/rHS2A1CtQSXb777p6
Contact (on the day of the event): 080-3057-9642
In case of rain, the event will be rescheduled. Please wear comfortable shoes for walking.

In just four hours, we visited 46 bookstores! Once again, it reminded us how unique this city truly is. As we hopped from one store to the next, we started noticing each bookstore’s distinct scent, specialty, and layout the moment we stepped inside. It was heartwarming to see customers interacting and taking care of each other in these cozy spaces.
And to think—this was only one-third of the bookstores in Jimbocho! It makes us wonder about the full potential of this incredible bookstore district. We ended up lingering at a bookstore specializing in biology and plants and another filled with ukiyo-e prints. Both were places we’d love to visit again.
Maybe next time, we’ll explore the remaining two-thirds of the bookstores… or even organize a curry shop tour in Jimbocho! LOL! (tomotosi)