都市をたずねる 96 -「東京駅で終電を逃してみる」- “Surviving Tokyo Station After the Last Train”
1月11日(土)は終電に集合して始発まで東京駅周辺で過ごす「東京駅で終電を逃してみる」をやってみます。 「終電を逃した」このネガティブな響きには多くの方が同情することでしょう。 ただ逆に考えれば、人の気配がなくなった街を存分に謳歌できる機会でもあります!まあそこまでいかなくても、終電を逃すことが「最悪ではなくなる」くらいになれば今回の企画は成功だと思います。 まずは駅の改札が閉まるのを目撃するところから。始発が動き出すまでの5時間弱をどうやってポジティブなものに変えていくか、、。1000円以内という縛りを設けているので、店に入って時間をやり過ごすこともできません。散歩、雑談、人間観察、ゲーム、読書、飲酒、、できることはいろいろあるはず。 なかなか参加障壁の高い企画に誰が来てくれるか謎ですが、集まった奇特な皆さんで新しい都市の使い方を開拓していきましょう。
On January 11, join us for “Surviving Tokyo Station After the Last Train” a unique overnight exploration. Starting at midnight, we’ll witness the station gates close and spend the next four hours discovering how to make the most of a seemingly negative situation. Without spending more than ¥1,000, participants are encouraged to embrace the quiet, people-free streets through activities like walking, chatting, people-watching, reading, or even light games. This isn’t about enduring the wait—it’s about reimagining the city and finding new ways to experience it. Whether you’re a seasoned urban adventurer or just curious, this event invites you to rediscover Tokyo Station under the stars. Let’s turn a missed train into an unforgettable night!
都市をたずねる 96 –「東京駅で終電を逃してみる」
集合:24:00 東京駅動輪の像前
終了:翌4:30 東京駅
Ask the City Vol. 96 – Surviving Tokyo Station After the Last Train
Time: Jan 11, 2025, 12:00 AM – 4:30 AM
Meeting Point: Tokyo Station Marunouchi Underground South Exit Plaza
Fee: Free (limit: ¥1,000)
Contact: 080-3057-9642
Cooperation: BUG, IKEDA Kaho
The event began with participants being ushered out as the station gates closed. We strolled around the Imperial Palace, rested on the lawn, admired outdoor sculptures in Marunouchi, and peeked into galleries. A warm drink at a Lawson in Hibiya was followed by a failed attempt to enter a club due to the ¥4000 fee. Walking through the deserted streets of Ginza, we danced in Tsukiji (free!) by the Hongwanji Temple, then looped back to Ginza and took a commemorative photo at BUG before ending at Tokyo Station at 4:45 AM. Exploring a quiet city center without a set plan was surprisingly enjoyable. Walking helped stave off the cold, with spontaneous calls to “keep moving!” Along the way, we even learned how to make hot sake in a convenience store—a useful life hack! Escaping the stigma of “missing the last train” made the night memorable. Thank you, Ikeda-san and all participants! Let’s do it in another city next time!