トモ都市美術館 – 都市をたずねる94「アイデアが出るまで二宮金次郎像を巡る」- “Touring the statue of Kinjiro Ninomiya until you get an idea”

トモ都市美術館では9/21(土)に「アイデアが出るまで二宮金次郎像を巡る」をやってみます。 いくつかの締め切り前にも関わらずアイデア不足でピンチなトモトシの、藁にもすがるような企画。すがる藁であり、歩きの指標となるのは二宮金次郎像です。時代とともに少なくなりつつありますが、いまだ健在なこの像を巡りながら歩きます(マップは追って共有します)。 計画の実現のためにワンアイデアが必要だったり、解決すべき悩み事があったり、未来への漠然とした不安があったり、、抱えている事情はそれぞれ違うと思いますが、参加者それぞれがそれぞれの事情と向き合う散歩になればと思います。参加者同士で相談したりするのもいいし、寡黙に歩き続けるのもOK。なんらかのアイデアが出た人はそこで散歩終了、最後の人がアイデア出次第イベント終了。誰も来なければ1人でやってみます!

TOMO City Museum will try “Touring the Statue of Kinjiro Ninomiya until you get an idea” on Saturday, September 21. This is a project is launched for Tomotosi, who is in a pinch for lack of ideas even before several deadlines. The guardian and the benchmark for the walk, is the statue of Kinjiro Ninomiya. Although the number of the statues has been decreasing over time, we will walk in search of those still standing in the city. Each participant may have a different situation, such as a need for an idea to realize a plan, a problem to be solved, or a vague anxiety about the future, but we hope this will be a walk where each participant faces his or her own situation. Participants may consult with each other, or continue walking in silence; those who come up with some ideas will end the walk there. If no one comes, I will try to do it alone!


都市をたずねる 94 –「アイデアが出るまで二宮金次郎像を巡る」
日時:2024年9月21日(土)19:00 –
終了:最後の参加者のアイデアが出たとき 巡る予定の二宮金次郎像:後日

Ask the City Vol. 94 – “Touring the statue of Kinjiro Ninomiya until you get an idea”
Date: Saturday, September 21, 2024
Meeting time: 7:00pm The lion statue in front of Shinjuku Station East Exit Dismissal time: The time the last person gets an idea
Participation fee: Free Statues to be visited: to be posted later
Contact: 080-3057-9642
Organizer: tomotosi
*Rescheduled in case of rain




Thank you for joining me on this 3-hour journey! It was a winding adventure, zigzagging from Shinjuku to Ikebukuro, visiting five different Ninomiya Kinjiro statues along the way. Each statue stood quietly in the shadows, making them difficult to spot at first.
This project initially started from a sense of urgency, driven by the pressure to come up with an idea. But somewhere along the way, it shifted. We started to enjoy the simple act of walking around, chatting, and searching for Kinjiro statues, and soon, the pressure to generate ideas faded into the background. In the end, it turned out to be a great experience, even if not in the way I had originally intended. I don’t imagine many new Kinjiro statues will be erected in the future, so while they still exist, I’d love to continue this journey, visiting the remaining ones. It feels like an exploration worth pursuing again! (tomotosi)

