都市をたずねる91 -「自宅のイスを路上に持ち出してくつろぐ」 – “Bringing personal furniture on the street”
6月23日(日)の「都市をたずねる」では「自宅のイスを路上に持ち出してくつろぐ」 をやってみます。自宅で、自分が普段使っているイスを、路上で使用してみます。イスを外で使う、というのはこれまでも多くの人が実践しています。有名なのはパリッコさんとスズキナオさんによる「チェアリング」で、すでに文化となっています。またデイリーポータルの江ノ島茂道さんの記事では、オフィスチェアを外で使ったときの様子が書かれています。
On June 23 (Sun.), we will try “Bringing personal furniture on the street”. This is an opportunity to use a chair that you usually use at home on the street. Some people have been using chairs outside so far. The most famous example is “chairing” by Parikko and SUZUKI Nao, which has already become part of the culture. Also, Shigemichi Enoshima’s article in Daily Portal describes how he used his office chair outside.
Just having your own chair on the street may look fresh. Let’s gather at the east exit of Shinjuku Station and quickly find a place where we can place our chairs and sit down. Since we will be there, having something to drink or eat would be nice. Don’t disturb the locals or passersby. Of course, you are welcome to join or leave during the event!
都市をたずねる Vol.91「自宅のイスを路上に持ち出してくつろぐ」
集合:17:00 新宿駅東口駅前広場(ライオンの像の前)
終了:19:00 新宿駅
※予約不要 ※雨天順延
Ask the City Vol.91 – “Bringing personal furniture on the street”
Date: Sunday, June 23, 2024
Meeting time: 17:00 The lion statue in front of Shinjuku Station East Exit
Dismissal time: 19:00 Shinjuku Station
Participation fee: Free
Contact on the day: 080-3057-9642
Organizer: tomotosi
*Rescheduled in case of rain
The event ended up being a two-day experiment. Thank you to everyone who joined, even in the rain! Placing my personal chair in public spaces like train platforms or streets felt strange at first, but it also made those places feel surprisingly familiar. When I left my chair in a station’s seating area, others casually used it, making me feel a momentary connection between society and personal life. It was an exciting way to blur the line between public and private, and I’d love to try more experiments like this! (tomotosi)