都市をたずねる 90 –「ウーバーイーツアー」- “Uber EaTour”

トモ都市美術館の恒例企画「都市をたずねる」。5月11、12、18、19、25、26日、6月1、2、8、9日は「ウーバーイーツアー」をやってみます。Token Art Centerでのトモトシの個展「ハングリーマンション」の展示の一部でもあります。

We’ll do “Uber EaTour” on weekends in May and June, part of Tomotosi’s solo exhibition “Hungry Condo” at Token Art Center.
This event is a touring event with Uber Eats delivery staff. The delivery staff will be Tomotosi, an active delivery person. Please follow him as long as it is not dangerous (we also ask you to consider our customers’ privacy). You may see delivery people daily nowadays, but you may not know what kind of work they do. By the way, Tomotosi’s interest in Uber Eats is the feeling of attacking the city’s hunger like a game, and conversely the feeling of being lured by hunger. He also thinks it is interesting to feel that you are momentarily in a condominium that you would never live in. We have one bicycle available, or you can go for a run if you are up to it. We will split the proceeds. Anyone is welcome. The exhibition is still open, so you are welcome to come to see the works. If you like. If no one comes, Tomotosi will be on his own.


都市をたずねる Vol.90 「ウーバーイーツアー」
日時:2024年5月11、12、18、19、25、26日、6月1、2、8、9日 12:00 – 19:00(雨天中止、その他状況により変更の可能性あり)
集合:Token Art Center
共催:Token Art Center(墨田区東向島3-31-14)

Ask the City Vol.90 “Uber EaTour”
Date: May 11, 12, 18, 19, 25, 26, June 1, 2, 8, 9, 2024
Time: 0:00-7:00 PM
Participation fee: ¥500 (exhibition entrance fee)
Co-organizer: Token Art Center
Contact on the day: 080-3057-9642
*No reservation required

