

黄金町バザール2021 -サイドバイサイドの作り方
Koganecho Bazaar 2021 Making Side by Side

会期 2021年10月1日(金)〜10月31日(日)
Dates October 1 [Fri] – October 31 [Sun], 2021

会場 京急線日ノ出町駅・⻩金町駅間の高架下スタジオ/周辺のスタジオ/地域商店/屋外空地ほか
Venues Studios and galleries under the railways, and other indoor and outdoor spaces around the Koganecho area.

開場時間 11:00〜19:00
Open 11:00〜19:00

休場日 月曜日
Closed Mondays

鑑賞料金 1,000円 (会期中有効のフリーパス)
※高校生以下無料 ※障害者⼿帳をお持ちの⽅と同伴者1名は無料
Admission 1,000yen (multi-use pass) *Free admission for high-school ages and under *Free admission for persons with a disability and 1 caregiver


Upcoming art festival “Koganecho Bazaar 2021“ in Yokohama!

41 artists are now getting ready and here is part of my new work’s statement:
The Corona disaster has brought about the fear that anyone could die at any time. For me, the fear of death is not so much the death itself, but rather the fact that the result of the death confirms that I was alone.
